• Definition - (diminutive) An odd number.
  • Example - So let's see. There are two evens here and three odds.
  • Definition - Something left over, not forming part of a set.
  • Example - So let's see. There are two evens here and three odds.
  • Definition - Differing from what is usual, ordinary or expected.
  • Example - She slept in, which was very odd.
  • Synonyms - strange unusual
  • Definition - Without a corresponding mate in a pair or set; unmatched; (of a pair or set) mismatched.
  • Example - My cat Fluffy has odd eyes: one blue and one brown.
  • Synonyms - mismatched single
  • Definition - Left over, remaining after the rest have been paired or grouped.
  • Example - I'm the odd one out.
  • Definition - Left over or remaining (as a small amount) after counting, payment, etc.
  • Example - I'm the odd one out.
  • Definition - Scattered; occasional, infrequent; not forming part of a set or pattern.
  • Example - I don't speak Latin well, so in hearing a dissertation in Latin, I would only be able to make out the odd word of it.
  • Definition - Not regular or planned.
  • Example - He's only worked odd jobs.
  • Definition - Used or employed for odd jobs.
  • Example - He's only worked odd jobs.
  • Definition - Numerically indivisible by two.
  • Example - The product of odd numbers is also odd.
  • Definition - Numbered with an odd number.
  • Example - How do I print only the odd pages?
  • Definition - (in combination with a number) About, approximately; somewhat more than (an approximated round number).
  • Example - There were thirty-odd people in the room.
  • Definition - Out of the way, secluded.
  • Example - There were thirty-odd people in the room.
  • Definition - On the left.
  • Example - He served from the odd court.
  • Definition - Singular in excellence; matchless; peerless; outstanding.
  • Example - He served from the odd court.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
odd 5
2 Letter Words
do 3 od 3
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