• Definition - A reflected sound that is heard again by its initial observer.
  • Definition - An utterance repeating what has just been said.
  • Definition - A device in verse in which a line ends with a word which recalls the sound of the last word of the preceding line.
  • Definition - Sympathetic recognition; response; answer.
  • Definition - The displaying on the command line of the command that has just been executed.
  • Definition - The letter E in the ICAO spelling alphabet.
  • Definition - (whist) A signal, played in the same manner as a trump signal, made by a player who holds four or more trumps (or, as played by some, exactly three trumps) and whose partner has led trumps or signalled for trumps.
  • Definition - (whist) A signal showing the number held of a plain suit when a high card in that suit is led by one's partner.
  • Definition - (of a sound or sound waves) To reflect off a surface and return.
  • Definition - To reflect back (a sound).
  • Definition - (by extension) To repeat (another's speech, opinion etc.).
  • Example - Sid echoed his father's point of view.
  • Definition - To repeat its input as input to some other device or system.
  • Example - Sid echoed his father's point of view.
  • Definition - (whist) To give the echo signal, informing one's partner about cards one holds.
  • Example - Sid echoed his father's point of view.
  • Definition - The visual image formed by an echocardiograph.
  • Example - Sid echoed his father's point of view.
  • Definition - The use of ultrasound to produce images of the heart.
  • Example - Sid echoed his father's point of view.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
echo 9 oche 9
3 Letter Words
och 8 hoe 6 eco 5
2 Letter Words
eh 5 he 5 ho 5 oh 5 oe 2
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