• Definition - Rhyming verse (poetic form)
  • Example - Many editors say they don't want stories written in rhyme.
  • Definition - A thought expressed in verse; a verse; a poem; a tale told in verse.
  • Example - Tennyson’s rhymes
  • Definition - A word that rhymes with another.
  • Example - Norse poetry is littered with rhymes like "sól ... sunnan".
  • Definition - Rhyming: sameness of sound of part of some words.
  • Example - The poem exhibits a peculiar form of rhyme.
  • Definition - Rime
  • Example - The poem exhibits a peculiar form of rhyme.
  • Definition - Number.
  • Example - The poem exhibits a peculiar form of rhyme.
  • Definition - To compose or treat in verse; versify.
  • Example - The poem exhibits a peculiar form of rhyme.
  • Definition - (followed by with) Of a word, to be pronounced identically with another from the vowel in its stressed syllable to the end.
  • Example - "Creation" rhymes with "integration" and "station".
  • Definition - Of two or more words, to be pronounced identically from the vowel in the stressed syllable of each to the end of each.
  • Example - "India" and "windier" rhyme with each other in non-rhotic accents.
  • Definition - To number; count; reckon.
  • Example - "India" and "windier" rhyme with each other in non-rhotic accents.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
rhyme 13
4 Letter Words
herm 9
3 Letter Words
hey 9 yeh 9 hem 8 meh 8 her 6 rye 6 yer 6 rem 5
2 Letter Words
hm 7 my 7 eh 5 he 5 ye 5 em 4 me 4 er 2 re 2
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