• Definition - Dimness.
  • Definition - To make something less bright.
  • Example - He dimmed the lights and put on soft music.
  • Definition - To become darker.
  • Example - The lights dimmed briefly when the air conditioning was turned on.
  • Definition - To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct
  • Example - The lights dimmed briefly when the air conditioning was turned on.
  • Definition - To deprive of distinct vision; to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes; to darken the senses or understanding of.
  • Example - The lights dimmed briefly when the air conditioning was turned on.
  • Definition - Not bright or colorful.
  • Example - The lighting was too dim for me to make out his facial features.
  • Definition - Not smart or intelligent.
  • Example - He may be a bit dim, but he's not stupid.
  • Definition - Indistinct, hazy or unclear.
  • Example - His vision grew dimmer as he aged.
  • Definition - Disapproving, unfavorable: rarely used outside the phrase take a dim view of.
  • Example - His vision grew dimmer as he aged.
  • Definition - Lessened, reduced
  • Example - The diminished Roman Empire never recovered from the sack of Rome.
  • Definition - Made to seem less important, impressive, or valuable
  • Example - She felt diminished by the report card.
  • Definition - Reduced by a semitone
  • Example - She felt diminished by the report card.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
dim 6 mid 6
2 Letter Words
mi 4 id 3
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