• Definition - A brownish grey colour.
  • Definition - A collector of debts.
  • Definition - An urgent request or demand of payment.
  • Definition - To ask or beset a debtor for payment.
  • Definition - To harass by continually repeating e.g. a request.
  • Definition - A newly hatched, immature mayfly; a mayfly subimago.
  • Definition - A fly made to resemble the mayfly subimago.
  • Definition - An ancient or medieval fortification; especially a hill-fort in Scotland or Ireland.
  • Definition - A structure in the Orkney or Shetland islands or in Scotland consisting of a roundhouse surrounded by a circular wall; a broch.
  • Definition - To cure, as codfish, by laying them, after salting, in a pile in a dark place, covered with saltgrass or a similar substance.
  • Definition - A mound or small hill.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
duns 5
3 Letter Words
dun 4 nus 3 sun 3 uns 3
2 Letter Words
nu 2 un 2 us 2
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